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Oversized & Odd Sizes Clipboards 
Padfolios: Legal Size 

LOWER Prices now on most items.  Look for the words - On Sale.

Welcome to Clipboards Direct.  Your source for imprinted clipboards and padfolios. New this year is our powder coated clipboards and our Medallion Money Clips. Click on any of the images below to see our selection of clipboards, padfolios, jotter pads are journals.  Medallion Money Clips feature your company logo on real leather avaiable in 5 different colors. Samples are available if paid for.  Our new legal size padfolio is an exclusive item to and provides an upscale look to an aluminum clipboard box if you are needing to carry legal size papers.  Real estate, trucking and moving companies are our best customers for this item.  Most items are available with or without and imprint but minimum order quantites will apply.


NEW - Custom Clipboards

Letter Size

NEW Medallion Money Clips

NEW Padded Clipboard

Journal Books

NEW Powder Coated Clipboards

Clock Clipboard

Legal Size


Jotter Pads


Welcome to  Your source for logoed clipboards. We offer the largest selection of clipboards available that you can print your information on. Some clipboards are available unimprinted but minimum quantites of 50 boards is standard and some require a less than minimum fee as well. We are in the promotional products industry where logoed clipboards is standard. As a courtesy we offer some unimprinted boards but again at a minimum 50 quantity.  For unimprinted less than 50 quantity there is a $10.00 less than minimum charge for any blank clipboard order from 1 to 49 units.  Note: some clipboards have higher less than minimum charge for less than catalog minimums of up to $40.00.  Call with specific model to determine less than minumum charge. Clipboards that start with the letter "H" have a minimum blank order of 30 clipboards.  Clipboards that begin with "CB" have a minimum order of 50 to 66 clipboard depending on the model.

We offer letter size clipboards, legal size clipboards, memo size clipboard, oversized clipboards, aluminum clipboard, aluminum clipboards with storage boxes, ledger size clipboards and odd size clipboards.

Imprinting of clipboards is done by screen printing, digital imprint and 4 color process imprinting.

Our padfolios, journal books, and jotter pads are of the highest quality and are made of premium simulated leather for a soft, luxurious feel and feature stitched padded covers.  Our ring folder padfolios are availible with 1/2 inch or 1 inch rings and a zippered closure.

Padfolios are availabe in letter and junior sizes with some models available in a variety of colors. Random samples are available at first column pricing and are sent out the next business day.

Padfolios can be either screen printed, foil stamped or debossed.

* We reserve the right at any time to correct any errors in pricing or descriptions. Product and service prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.

Clipboards & Padfolios for work, school, sports & promotions.

8033 SW 166th Place
Aloha, Oregon 97007-5840

503-649-4141 Fax: 503-591-1708

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